Welcome to DNALC
Location Ugwuomu Nike, Enugu State, Nigeria

Organization Mailing and Posting System


Develop an efficient and secure mailing and posting system to ensure effective internal and external communication.


  • Internal Communication:
    • Design an internal mailing system to facilitate communication among staff across all five Centers.
    • Implement a secure electronic mailing system with features for confidential and classified information.
    • Develop a protocol for regular internal newsletters and bulletins to keep staff informed about organizational updates and events.
    • Create a centralized digital repository for important documents and communications, accessible to relevant personnel.

  • External Communication:
    • Establish a secure system for external correspondence, including official letters, reports, and other communications.
    • Implement a tracking system for incoming and outgoing mail to ensure timely delivery and receipt.
    • Develop standardized templates for external communication to maintain a professional image.
    • Create guidelines for the use of organizational letterheads, email signatures, and other branding elements.